Our Newsletter “Sumter to Appomattox” is prepared to members every two months beginning in January of each year. A major purpose of this Newsletter is to advise details of our regular meeting, which will be held the following month. To this end, the Newsletters have a common format which includes:
- A message from our Chairman;
- Details of the forthcoming meeting including the subject of the presentation, speaker, venue, timings etc;
- A profile of a Civil War personality;
- Report from talks at previous meeting;
- Short articles relating to a range of Civil War matters that are considered to be of interest to members; and
- “Letters from the Front” – insights into the American Civil War.
No. | Click below | Highlights |
128 | Dec-Jan 2025 | President’s Annual report; Christmas function; Fascinating Facts about Union Generals – Len Traynor; Pre & “War of States Rights” Training of Officers – Ian Wolfe; Letters from the Front – Dan Howard |
127 | Oct-Nov 2024 | Book for Christmas Function; Vale Bruce Dennett, Antietam – Burnside’s Bridge, Battle of Antietam – Parts I, II and III. |
126 | Aug-Sept 2024 | Booking for next meeting; Club parking; Maryland Campaign Sep 1862; The Emancipation Proclamation; Two F B Carpenter paintings |
125 | June-July 2024 | How to book for next meeting; Second Manassas; John Pope; Henry Wagner Halleck; Corinth – The Crossroads of the Confederacy |
124 | Apr-May 2024 | Louisa May Alcott’s Nursing Experiences; The Seven Days Battles; General John C Frémont; Profile: Charles Sumner 1811-1874 |
123 | Feb-Mar 2024 | New venue; Peninsular Campaign – Hampton Roads to Seven Pines March-July 1862; The Jackson Valley Campaign; Leonard Traynor Award; Lincoln recipes. |
122 | Dec-Jan 2024 | Next meeting; The Peninsula Campaign, and Jackson’s Valley Campaign; Four-Legged heroes – Pack animals, Artillery and Cavalry; Jackson’s letter to Mary. |
121 | Nov-Dec 2023 | Background to next meeting; Report: Surrender of Fort Pulaski, Georgia, Small Arms 1861-62; New Orleans; Jedediah Hotchiss 1828-1899 – the Confederacy’s mapmaker extraordinary; President’s 2024 AGM Report; |
120 | Sep-Oct 2023 | Next meeting; Last meeting report: Shiloh Battle Flag; Yankee Country and the war in New Mexico; The Battle of Shiloh |
119 | Jul-Aug 2023 | Next meeting; Last meeting report: George B McClellan; Fort Donelson & Fort Henry; The Battle of Hampton Roads |
118 | May-Jun 2023 | Next meeting; Battle of Ball’s Bluff; Anaconda Plan; The Trent Affair – A Near Diplomatic Calamity; US Memorial Day 2023 |
117 | Mar-Apr 2023 | Next meeting; Vale: John Cook, Tom Zelinka, Last meeting report: Opening stages of the War, Organisation of the Armies; Ask Honest Abe |
116 | Jan-Feb 2023 | Next meeting; Last meeting report: Tom Kenneally – John Mitchell; Profile: Winslow Homer; An Unexpected Connection; Profile:John Henninger Raegan. |
115 | Nov-Dec 2022 | Next meeting; Last meeting report: The Siege of Petersburg; Civil War Illustrators: Alfred R Waud, Frank Leslie Illustrated Newspaper; Did you know? |
114 | Sep-Oct 2022 | Next meeting; Last meeting report: Secession – Was it Illegal or Legal?; Profile: Walt Whitman 1819-1892; Quiz Time; 1862 newspaper cuttings; New Members. |
113 | July-Aug 2022 | Next meeting; Last meeting report:Our Patron Prof the Hon Bob Carr “A House Divided – Today’s America”; Lee’s horse ‘Traveler’ 1857-187; Quiz Time |
112 | May-Jun 2022 | Next meetiing: Our Patron Prof the Hon Bob Carr “A House Divided – Today’s America” – bring a friend; Last meeting report: Len Traynor in conversatioon with Dr Gordon Jones; Len’s Coles Quiz questions; Civil War profile: Mathew Brady, Photographer; Civil War letter from Edwin Marsh; Battle of Fredericksburg quiz |
111 | Mar-Apr 2022 | Next meetiing LIVE; Last two meetings reports: Mexico Before and After the Civil War; An evening with Dr Gordon Jones, Atlanta History Center; Civil War profile: John Wilkes Booth (1838-1865) |
110 | Jan-Feb 2022 | Next meeting Zoom back on-line, Inaugural Len Traynor Award, Last meeting report: Minnesota in the Civil War, Profile: James Dunwoody Bulloch (1823 – 1901), Ask Honest Abe. |
109 | Nov-Dec 2021 | Next meeting: Christmas function and AGM, Minnesota in the Civil War, Last meeting report: Life in the Union Navy and Servicce aboard a Monitor, Profile: Admiral David Glasgow Farragut |
108 | Sep-Oct 2021 | Next meeting Zoom back on-line, Last meeting report: The Enlightenment – Shift in moral compass, Profile: Carl Sagan and Ann Druyan, Ask Honest Abe, Spotsylvania’s Bloody Angle |
107 | Jul-Aug 2021 | Next meeting Zoom back on-line, Our Patron Prof the Hon Bob Carr postoned, Last meeting: John Brown: The Meteor of the Civil War, “Burning Kansas” as Fake News, Thaddeus Lowe, pioneer balloonist |
106 | May-Jun 2021 | Civil War sub-mariners – valor or suicide? Background for next topic “Bleeding Kansas as Fake News”. Profile: William Henry Johnson. Our 9 Aug meeeting: Our Patron, Prof the Hon Bob Carr, on “A House Divided – today’s America” – bring a friend! |
105 | Mar-Apr 2021 | Last meeting: Recent insurrection, Clara Barton profile, Underage and Unfree Labour in the Union Army by Dr Frances Clarke; Profile: Rose Greenhow, Confedrate Spy; Ask Honest Abe. |
104 | Jan-Feb 2021 | President’s AGM Report, Last meeting: The meaning of the Civil War to today’s America; Vale Paul Kensey; Profile: Richard Gatling |
103 | Nov-Dec 2020 | Christmas function to be live; Last meeting: Bixby letter, Women and the Civil War; Tribute Ed Bearss 1923-2020; Profile: Herman Haupt; Ask Honest Abe |
102 | Sep-Oct 2020 | Next meeting Zoom on-line, Last meeting report: Brice’s Crossroads and War Gaming Chickamauga; Profile Alan Pinkerton; Ask Honest Abe |
101 | Jul-Aug 2020 | Next meeting Zoom on-line, Last meeting report: Pandemics (Infectious Disease) in the Civil War, Letter readings, Major General Joseph Mansfield, Civil War Cigar Stories, Ask Honest Abe. |
100 | May-Jun 2020 | Bumper issue 100 – Next meeting Zoom on-line, Last meeting report: refighting Chickacamauga, Letter reading – call for volunteers, Johnny Clem, Joe Davis, Hetty Cary, Alfred R Waud, David Van Buskirk, New segment: Ask Honest Abe, Something for lock-down: Civil War books SALE |
99 | Mar-Apr 2020 | Upcoming meeting cancelled, Last meeting report: Iron Brigade, Profile: Oliver Wendell Holmes; Four-legged soliers – Horses and mules; Profile: Sally Louisa Tomkins; Six-mules army supply waggons; The Army Mule; Social isolation suggestion |
98 | Jan-Feb 2020 | AGM President’s Report, New slot: Our Favorite Moments, Christmas Party report, WEA course “Origins of the American Civil War – How did it come to this?” summed up, “Keep Kups” available |
97 | Nov-Dec 2019 | Anaesthtics in the Civil War, Why it’s worth studying the Civil War, WEA Course – Origins of the American Civil War – How did it come to this?, Profile: Mary E Walker MD |
96 | Sep-Oct 2019 | The Battle of Columbus, Atlanta to the Sea and a few sidelines, Anaesthesia and the Civil War, Frederick Douglass profile, How to enrol in WEA course |
95 | Jul-Aug 2019 | Last meeting report: Coastal Operations, CW First: Telegrah from the air, Profile: Judah P Benjamin QC, Some photos – Atlanta to the Sea |
94 | May-Jun 2019 | Last meeting report: Cavalry in the Civil War, Profile: Jefferson Davis – early years; Snippetts: Not so holy, Soldiers’ menus, Union vessels sunk |
93 | Mar-Apr 2019 | Last meeting report, Profile: Dorence Atwater; Profile: William Tecumseh Sherman; Snippets: Major General John Reynolds, Major General James Birdseye McPherson, Major General Patrick Cleburne, and more… |
92 | Jan-Feb 2019 | Christmas Function report – incl Len Traynor talk, Profile of Prince Camille ‘Polcat’ de Polignac, and Lincoln and Jewish Americans during the Civil War |
91 | Nov-Dec 2018 | Boy soldiers, Inventions, Road-test results, Profile: Amos Humiston, Giant Book Sale offerrings |
90 | Sep-Oct 2018 | True and Dubious Veterans, Report: Lincoln and the Supreme Court, Profile: John and Jessie Fremont, NSW Gatling Gun discovery |
89 | July-Aug 2018 | Remarkable booksale offer, Profile: Alexander Hamilton Stephens, Snippets – North and South, Report on Kennsaw Mountain session |
88 | May-June 2018 | Civil War Profile: David Wilmott, Report of last meeting: Prisoners of War |
87 | Mar-Apr 2018 | Pre-reading for next meeting, Report on Iron Clads visit |
86 | Jan-Feb 2018 | Report on Dr Frances Clarke presentation on Debates over Underage Enlistments |
85 | Nov-Dec 2017 | Book review: Windows to the Past by Tom Roza, Our next speaker: Dr Frances Clarke, Then and Now, Report of September meeting. |
84 | Oct-Nov 2017 | First shots in the War, Lincoln’s Latin American foreign policy, Steven Glazer correspondence |
83 | Aug-Sep 2017 | Lincoln abroad, Missing Lincoln statue, Steve Glazer profile, Trump facination, Book review, Report of our last meeting. |
82 | Jun-Jul 2017 | Report of our last meeting: Patron Prof the Hon Bob Carr speaks on “How my Interest in the Civil War Began”, Union’s Last Ironclad Sailor, 2017 American Civil War Battlefield Tours programs, Next meeting: Dr R M (Mick) Bedard speaks on USS Kearsarge 1869 visit to Sydney |
81 | Mar-Apr 2017 | Patron Prof the Hon Bob Carr next meeting, West Point, Union’s Last Ironclad Sailor, 2017 American Civil War Battlefield Tours programs |
80 | Jan-Feb 2017 | Christmas function, Virginia Crocker, Book: Was Grandpa a Freeloader?, Events, Transfer of Power, 2017 American Civil War Battlefield Tours programs |
79 | Nov-Dec 2016 | Christmas function, 2017 American Civil War Battlefield Tours programs, West Point graduates – Jefferson Davis and Ulysses S Grant, Media celebrity Loreta Velasquez |
78 | Sep-Oct 2016 | Famous photo, Spoils of War, Music in the Civil War |
77 | July-Aug 2016 | Eastern Theater tour, Ed Bearss likely honour, Union Commander at Appomattox (contd), James McPherson new book |
76 | May-June 2016 | Thomas Meagher, Union Commander at Appomottox: Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, Joseph J Bartlett or ? |
75 | Jan-Feb 2016 | Brendan’s award, AGM results, Causes Won, Lost and Forgotten… by Gary W Gallagher |
74 | November 2015 | Christmas Traditions during the Civil War, Ulysses S Grant Died 130 Years ago …, What’s in a Name? |
73 | June-July 2015 | Appomattox – In Their Own Words, Some Interesting Photographs, Sexy Abe, Lessons of the Wilderness Campaign |
72 | May-June 2015 | Abraham Lincoln – The Consummate Politician, George McClellan’s Achievements, General Lee quotes… |
71 | March 2015 | Abraham Lincoln Memorial Library and Museum, More books on Lincoln, Request for Help |
70 | May-June 2014 | Photographed with Lincoln, John Wilkes Booth’s Diary, Chamberlain’s Lost Medal of Honor Found |
69 | Feb-Mar 2014 | Our Facebook page, Virtual Tour of the Smithsonian, Paul Kensey’s Expertise, Topics |
68 | Nov-Dec 2013 | Gettysburg and its Impact on Soldiers and Civilians Part 2, Gettysburg Address |
67 | October 2013 | Books for sale, End of year/Christmas function, the aftermath of Gettysburg (part 1) |
66 | September 2013 | Book sale, Waltzing Dixie book, forgotten soldier Alfonso Cushing, interesting photos, Elizabeth van Lew |
65 | July 2013 | Photo quiz, 25 things about Gettysburg, Baltimore Civil War memorial parade, Most hated woman in Virginia |
64 | May 2013 | Fr Dave’s church, Women in combat, African-American doctors |
63 | February 2013 | Ed Beaars coming visit; Books sale; Robert Todd Lincoln |
62 | November 2012 | End of year function; General Philip H Sheridan’s dark side; AGM |
61 | September 2012 | An Injured Lee Visits Leesburg after Second Manassas, Interested in re-enactment? |
60 | July 2012 | Daniel W Stowell, Discovered account of Licholn assasination report by Dr Charles Leale, Continuing story of Thomas Lowry |
59 | May 2012 | Member Father Dave’s world record, the Battle of Shiloh |
58 | March 2012 | Tony Horwitz new book Midnight Rising, Grant’s Final Victory by Charles B Flood – worth a read |
57 | October 2011 | Bob Carr attends, North Carolina, What happened to Comanche? |
56 | August 2011 | Custer’s horse, The Conspirator movie, Ballooning in the Civil War, Sydney Gettysburg Cinemagraph, missing Licholn statue |
55 | May 2011 | A balanced view of Lincoln, Thomas P Lowry – you be the judge |
54 | February 2011 | CSS Shenandoah, Thomas P Lowry, Who am I? |
53 | December 2010 | Robert E Lee, Joseph Hooker and military justice, Books for sale |
52 | October 2010 | In defence of George McClellan, McClellan and Failure book, McClellan’s achievements |
51 | August 2010 | Amazon books & DVDs, Henry Wager Halleck, Did you know? |
50 | Apr/May 2010 | A balanced assessment of Lincoln, Lincoln’s second inaugrual |
49 | Jan/Feb 2010 | Lincoln – the man and the myth |
48 | November 2009 | First Lincoln cent, Christmas in the Civil War, Mrs Bixby’s sons |
47 | Aug/Sep 2009 | Great bookshop pt 2, Vindicating Lincoln |
46 | Jun/Jul 2009 | Freedom House Museum in Virginia, Great bookshop |
45 | April 2009 | Cavalry action at Gettysburg, Farnsworth – did he suicide? |
44 | Jan/Feb 2009 | Causes Won, Lost and Forgotten |
43 | November 2008 | Christmas holiday traditions in the Civil War North and South, Lincoln as Commander-in-Chief |
42 | August 2008 | Varina Davis – The Hilary Clinton of her time? Ambrose Powell Hill, CSA A Letter Home from West Point |
41 | May/Jun 2008 | Robert E Lee quotes, George McClellan’s Achievements |
40 | March 2008 | The Confederacy’s crippling trio, Tribute to mothers, High standards or dumb students? Grant’s image in the South |
39 | February 2008 | Grant’s family in the war, Future of our Round Table |
38 | November 2007 | Einstein Factor |
37 | September 2007 | McClellan book by Edward Bonekemper, Quiz |
36 | Jul Special 2007 | Revised programme, Christmas in July |
35 | Jul/Aug 2007 | Stanton vs Big Business |
34 | May/Jun 2007 | Lincoln’s early life pt. 2, the name “Civil War” |
33 | Mar/Apr 2007 | Lincoln’s early life pt. 1, Doris Goodwin’s “Team of Rivals” review |
32 | January 2007 | R E Lee’s birth bicentenary, No casino licence for Gettysburg, Nat Turner’s slave revolt |
31 | November 2006 | DVD ideas for Christmas presents |
30 | September 2006 | Could the South have won, Boys will be boys, An army marches on its stomach Christmas notice |
29 | July 2006 | Conference papers, Professor “Stonewall” Jackson |
28 | May 2006 | Differing religious views, A just and lasting peace |
27 | April 2006 | Commanding the official surrender, Marvel’s book, Grant program |
26 | March 2006 | Conference news, Confederacy’s crippling trio: Davis, Beauregard & Johnston, Taps |
25 | January 2006 | Note for Feb ’06 meeting venue is to be changed and yet to be advised |
24 | November 2005 | AGM notice, Stonewall Jackson, Next year’s program |
23 | September 2005 | McPherson book: Drawn with a Sword, bullet pregnancy story |
22 | July 2005 | Military Blunders – McCellan fails to act, Gallagher lectures on CD, Selby Foot dies |
21 | May 2005 | Crater Battle military blunder, Mule Brigade charge, Sword of Lincoln book |
20 | March 2005 | The Einstein Factor questions (and answers); The Mud March; Two great books |
19 | January 2005 | Xmas Raffle Winners, Melbourne Conference,/ details of a new lecture series on Robert E Lee, Some quotable quotes on the War. 2005 Program of meetings. |
18 | November 2004 | Notable CW Naval Battle / Preservation News – Hallowed ground at Chancellorsville saved. |
17 | September 2004 | Articles: Yingling Farm at Gettysburg Changes Hands / Military Intelligence in the Civil War / National Pride. |
16 | July 2004 | Articles: “Little Phil’s” Dark Side / NOT in Defence of the “Lost Cause”. A new book – “Lee’s Last Retreat – The Flight to Appomattox. |
15 | May 2004 | Articles: In Defence of the Lost Cause / Interactive Hunley Exhibit / Mrs Hancock’s Dinner Party. |
14 | March 2004 | Articles: Religion During the War (Part 2), Religion After the War, The Effects of Religion on Battles and Battles on Religion, Some CW coincidences. |
13 | January 2004 | Articles: Religion in Antebellum America, Religion During the War (Part 1). |
12 | November 2003 | Articles: Discovery of Gravesites, Who were the Top Ten Generals? Lecture Series by Gary Gallagher Supplement : Sword of Honour |
11 | September 2003 | Hunley and the continuing trivia question of who commanded the Union forces at official surrender ceremony at Appomattox – McPherson’s response to our inquiry provided. |
10 | July 2003 | A Victory for Political Correctness, An answer from Gary Gallagher to our Trivia Question on command of the Union forces at Appomattox. |
9 | May 2003 | McPherson’s great “word-smithing” and his new CW book, What’s in a Name?, Posing the question of who commanded the Union forces at the official surrender at Appomattox. |
8 | March 2003 | The High Tide of the Confederacy, The Fort Pillow Controversy |
7 | January 2003 | Washington D.C. (Paul Spencer), A new CW reference from the Library of Congress, 2003 Program of Activities, The American National Anthems, West Point 1802 – 1861 |
6 | November 2002 | Articles: Cavalry Action at Gettysburg, Did he (Elon Farnsworth) commit suicide? Supplements: Draft 2003 Program of Meetings Member Survey Notice re 2003 Conference |
5 | September 2002 | Interview with Paul Kensey – The next time I tour the battlefields Supplement: A Civil War Tour Diary (illustrated) Short article: “Boys in Blue Who Weren’t” |
4 | July 2002 | Article: “Two Knights in Shining Armour” (Part 3) “Go to Your Right”. Finally, a website for Lee! Rhea’s new book on Cold Harbor. Supplement: Memorial Day 2002 (illustrated) |
3 | May 2002 | Article: “Two Knights in Shining Armour” (Part 2) |
2 | March 2002 | Articles: “Two Knights in Shining Armour”(Part 1), Medal of Honor Winner, Some Interesting Statistics |
1 | January 2002 | Program of Meetings 2002, Some Interesting Civil War web-sites, Barlow-Gordon Incident at the Battle of Gettysburg |