American Civil War Round Table of Australia

American Civil War RT NSW


Our Newsletter “Sumter to Appomattox” is prepared to members every two months beginning in January of each year. A major purpose of this Newsletter is to advise details of our regular meeting, which will be held the following month. To this end, the Newsletters have a common format which includes:

  • A message from our Chairman;
  • Details of the forthcoming meeting including the subject of the presentation, speaker, venue, timings etc;
  • A profile of a Civil War personality;
  • Book and other media reviews;
  • Short articles relating to a range of Civil War matters that are considered to be of interest to members; and
  • A “Famous Last Words” series of quotes relating to the American Civil War.
No. Click below Highlights
126 Aug-Sept 2024 Booking for next meeting; Club parking; Maryland Campaign Sep 1862; The Emancipation Proclamation; Two F B Carpenter paintings
125 June-July 2024 How to book for next meeting; Second Manassas; John Pope; Henry Wagner Halleck; Corinth – The Crossroads of the Confederacy
124 Apr-May 2024 Louisa May Alcott’s Nursing Experiences; The Seven Days Battles; General John C Frémont; Profile: Charles Sumner 1811-1874
123 Feb-Mar 2024 New venue; Peninsular Campaign – Hampton Roads to Seven Pines March-July 1862; The Jackson Valley Campaign; Leonard Traynor Award; Lincoln recipes.
122 Dec-Jan 2024 Next meeting; The Peninsula Campaign, and Jackson’s Valley Campaign; Four-Legged heroes – Pack animals, Artillery and Cavalry; Jackson’s letter to Mary.
121 Nov-Dec 2023 Background to next meeting; Report: Surrender of Fort Pulaski, Georgia, Small Arms 1861-62; New Orleans; Jedediah Hotchiss 1828-1899 – the Confederacy’s mapmaker extraordinary; President’s 2024 AGM Report;
120 Sep-Oct 2023 Next meeting; Last meeting report: Shiloh Battle Flag; Yankee Country and the war in New Mexico; The Battle of Shiloh
119 Jul-Aug 2023 Next meeting; Last meeting report: George B McClellan; Fort Donelson & Fort Henry; The Battle of Hampton Roads
118 May-Jun 2023 Next meeting; Battle of Ball’s Bluff; Anaconda Plan; The Trent Affair – A Near Diplomatic Calamity; US Memorial Day 2023
117 Mar-Apr 2023 Next meeting; Vale: John Cook, Tom Zelinka, Last meeting report: Opening stages of the War, Organisation of the Armies; Ask Honest Abe
116 Jan-Feb 2023 Next meeting; Last meeting report: Tom Kenneally – John Mitchell; Profile: Winslow Homer; An Unexpected Connection; Profile:John Henninger Raegan.
115 Nov-Dec 2022 Next meeting; Last meeting report: The Siege of Petersburg; Civil War Illustrators: Alfred R Waud, Frank Leslie Illustrated Newspaper; Did you know?
114 Sep-Oct 2022 Next meeting; Last meeting report: Secession – Was it Illegal or Legal?; Profile: Walt Whitman 1819-1892; Quiz Time; 1862 newspaper cuttings; New Members.
113 July-Aug 2022 Next meeting; Last meeting report:Our Patron Prof the Hon Bob Carr “A House Divided – Today’s America”; Lee’s horse ‘Traveler’ 1857-187; Quiz Time
112 May-Jun 2022 Next meetiing: Our Patron Prof the Hon Bob Carr “A House Divided – Today’s America” – bring a friend; Last meeting report: Len Traynor in conversatioon with Dr Gordon Jones; Len’s Coles Quiz questions; Civil War profile: Mathew Brady, Photographer; Civil War letter from Edwin Marsh; Battle of Fredericksburg quiz
111 Mar-Apr 2022 Next meetiing LIVE; Last two meetings reports: Mexico Before and After the Civil War; An evening with Dr Gordon Jones, Atlanta History Center; Civil War profile: John Wilkes Booth (1838-1865)
110 Jan-Feb 2022 Next meeting Zoom back on-line, Inaugural Len Traynor Award, Last meeting report: Minnesota in the Civil War, Profile: James Dunwoody Bulloch (1823 – 1901), Ask Honest Abe.
109 Nov-Dec 2021 Next meeting: Christmas function and AGM, Minnesota in the Civil War, Last meeting report: Life in the Union Navy and Servicce aboard a Monitor, Profile: Admiral David Glasgow Farragut
108 Sep-Oct 2021 Next meeting Zoom back on-line, Last meeting report: The Enlightenment – Shift in moral compass, Profile: Carl Sagan and Ann Druyan, Ask Honest Abe, Spotsylvania’s Bloody Angle
107 Jul-Aug 2021 Next meeting Zoom back on-line, Our Patron Prof the Hon Bob Carr postoned, Last meeting: John Brown: The Meteor of the Civil War, “Burning Kansas” as Fake News, Thaddeus Lowe, pioneer balloonist
106 May-Jun 2021 Civil War sub-mariners – valor or suicide? Background for next topic “Bleeding Kansas as Fake News”. Profile: William Henry Johnson. Our 9 Aug meeeting: Our Patron, Prof the Hon Bob Carr, on “A House Divided – today’s America” – bring a friend!
105 Mar-Apr 2021 Last meeting: Recent insurrection, Clara Barton profile, Underage and Unfree Labour in the Union Army by Dr Frances Clarke; Profile: Rose Greenhow, Confedrate Spy; Ask Honest Abe.
104 Jan-Feb 2021 President’s AGM Report, Last meeting: The meaning of the Civil War to today’s America; Vale Paul Kensey; Profile: Richard Gatling
103 Nov-Dec 2020 Christmas function to be live; Last meeting: Bixby letter, Women and the Civil War; Tribute Ed Bearss 1923-2020; Profile: Herman Haupt; Ask Honest Abe
102 Sep-Oct 2020 Next meeting Zoom on-line, Last meeting report: Brice’s Crossroads and War Gaming Chickamauga; Profile Alan Pinkerton; Ask Honest Abe
101 Jul-Aug 2020 Next meeting Zoom on-line, Last meeting report: Pandemics (Infectious Disease) in the Civil War, Letter readings, Major General Joseph Mansfield, Civil War Cigar Stories, Ask Honest Abe.
100 May-Jun 2020 Bumper issue 100 – Next meeting Zoom on-line, Last meeting report: refighting Chickacamauga, Letter reading – call for volunteers, Johnny Clem, Joe Davis, Hetty Cary, Alfred R Waud, David Van Buskirk, New segment: Ask Honest Abe, Something for lock-down: Civil War books SALE
99 Mar-Apr 2020 Upcoming meeting cancelled, Last meeting report: Iron Brigade, Profile: Oliver Wendell Holmes; Four-legged soliers – Horses and mules; Profile: Sally Louisa Tomkins; Six-mules army supply waggons; The Army Mule; Social isolation suggestion
98 Jan-Feb 2020 AGM President’s Report, New slot: Our Favorite Moments, Christmas Party report, WEA course “Origins of the American Civil War – How did it come to this?” summed up, “Keep Kups” available
97 Nov-Dec 2019 Anaesthtics in the Civil War, Why it’s worth studying the Civil War, WEA Course – Origins of the American Civil War – How did it come to this?, Profile: Mary E Walker MD
96 Sep-Oct 2019 The Battle of Columbus, Atlanta to the Sea and a few sidelines, Anaesthesia and the Civil War, Frederick Douglass profile, How to enrol in WEA course
95 Jul-Aug 2019 Last meeting report: Coastal Operations, CW First: Telegrah from the air, Profile: Judah P Benjamin QC, Some photos – Atlanta to the Sea
94 May-Jun 2019 Last meeting report: Cavalry in the Civil War, Profile: Jefferson Davis – early years; Snippetts: Not so holy, Soldiers’ menus, Union vessels sunk
93 Mar-Apr 2019 Last meeting report, Profile: Dorence Atwater; Profile: William Tecumseh Sherman; Snippets: Major General John Reynolds, Major General James Birdseye McPherson, Major General Patrick Cleburne, and more…
92 Jan-Feb 2019 Christmas Function report – incl Len Traynor talk, Profile of Prince Camille ‘Polcat’ de Polignac, and Lincoln and Jewish Americans during the Civil War
91 Nov-Dec 2018 Boy soldiers, Inventions, Road-test results, Profile: Amos Humiston, Giant Book Sale offerrings
90 Sep-Oct 2018 True and Dubious Veterans, Report: Lincoln and the Supreme Court, Profile: John and Jessie Fremont, NSW Gatling Gun discovery
89 July-Aug 2018 Remarkable booksale offer, Profile: Alexander Hamilton Stephens, Snippets – North and South, Report on Kennsaw Mountain session
88 May-June 2018 Civil War Profile: David Wilmott, Report of last meeting: Prisoners of War
87 Mar-Apr 2018 Pre-reading for next meeting, Report on Iron Clads visit
86 Jan-Feb 2018 Report on Dr Frances Clarke presentation on Debates over Underage Enlistments
85 Nov-Dec 2017 Book review: Windows to the Past by Tom Roza, Our next speaker: Dr Frances Clarke, Then and Now, Report of September meeting.
84 Oct-Nov 2017 First shots in the War, Lincoln’s Latin American foreign policy, Steven Glazer correspondence
83 Aug-Sep 2017 Lincoln abroad, Missing Lincoln statue, Steve Glazer profile, Trump facination, Book review, Report of our last meeting.
82 Jun-Jul 2017 Report of our last meeting: Patron Prof the Hon Bob Carr speaks on “How my Interest in the Civil War Began”, Union’s Last Ironclad Sailor, 2017 American Civil War Battlefield Tours programs, Next meeting: Dr R M (Mick) Bedard speaks on USS Kearsarge 1869 visit to Sydney
81 Mar-Apr 2017 Patron Prof the Hon Bob Carr next meeting, West Point, Union’s Last Ironclad Sailor, 2017 American Civil War Battlefield Tours programs
80 Jan-Feb 2017 Christmas function, Virginia Crocker, Book: Was Grandpa a Freeloader?, Events, Transfer of Power, 2017 American Civil War Battlefield Tours programs
79 Nov-Dec 2016 Christmas function, 2017 American Civil War Battlefield Tours programs, West Point graduates – Jefferson Davis and Ulysses S Grant, Media celebrity Loreta Velasquez
78 Sep-Oct 2016 Famous photo, Spoils of War, Music in the Civil War
77 July-Aug 2016 Eastern Theater tour, Ed Bearss likely honour, Union Commander at Appomattox (contd), James McPherson new book
76 May-June 2016 Thomas Meagher, Union Commander at Appomottox: Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, Joseph J Bartlett or ?
75 Jan-Feb 2016 Brendan’s award, AGM results, Causes Won, Lost and Forgotten… by Gary W Gallagher
74 November 2015 Christmas Traditions during the Civil War, Ulysses S Grant Died 130 Years ago …, What’s in a Name?
73 June-July 2015 Appomattox – In Their Own Words, Some Interesting Photographs, Sexy Abe, Lessons of the Wilderness Campaign
72 May-June 2015 Abraham Lincoln – The Consummate Politician, George McClellan’s Achievements, General Lee quotes…
71 March 2015 Abraham Lincoln Memorial Library and Museum, More books on Lincoln, Request for Help
70 May-June 2014 Photographed with Lincoln, John Wilkes Booth’s Diary, Chamberlain’s Lost Medal of Honor Found
69 Feb-Mar 2014 Our Facebook page, Virtual Tour of the Smithsonian, Paul Kensey’s Expertise, Topics
68 Nov-Dec 2013 Gettysburg and its Impact on Soldiers and Civilians Part 2, Gettysburg Address
67 October 2013 Books for sale, End of year/Christmas function, the aftermath of Gettysburg (part 1)
66 September 2013 Book sale, Waltzing Dixie book, forgotten soldier Alfonso Cushing, interesting photos, Elizabeth van Lew
65 July 2013 Photo quiz, 25 things about Gettysburg, Baltimore Civil War memorial parade, Most hated woman in Virginia
64 May 2013 Fr Dave’s church, Women in combat, African-American doctors
63 February 2013 Ed Beaars coming visit; Books sale; Robert Todd Lincoln
62 November 2012 End of year function; General Philip H Sheridan’s dark side; AGM
61 September 2012 An Injured Lee Visits Leesburg after Second Manassas, Interested in re-enactment?
60 July 2012 Daniel W Stowell, Discovered account of Licholn assasination report by Dr Charles Leale, Continuing story of Thomas Lowry
59 May 2012 Member Father Dave’s world record, the Battle of Shiloh
58 March 2012 Tony Horwitz new book Midnight Rising, Grant’s Final Victory by Charles B Flood – worth a read
57 October 2011 Bob Carr attends, North Carolina, What happened to Comanche?
56 August 2011 Custer’s horse, The Conspirator movie, Ballooning in the Civil War, Sydney Gettysburg Cinemagraph, missing Licholn statue
55 May 2011 A balanced view of Lincoln, Thomas P Lowry – you be the judge
54 February 2011 CSS Shenandoah, Thomas P Lowry, Who am I?
53 December 2010 Robert E Lee, Joseph Hooker and military justice, Books for sale
52 October 2010 In defence of George McClellan, McClellan and Failure book, McClellan’s achievements
51 August 2010 Amazon books & DVDs, Henry Wager Halleck, Did you know?
50 Apr/May 2010 A balanced assessment of Lincoln, Lincoln’s second inaugrual
49 Jan/Feb 2010 Lincoln – the man and the myth
48 November 2009 First Lincoln cent, Christmas in the Civil War, Mrs Bixby’s sons
47 Aug/Sep 2009 Great bookshop pt 2, Vindicating Lincoln
46 Jun/Jul 2009 Freedom House Museum in Virginia, Great bookshop
45 April 2009 Cavalry action at Gettysburg, Farnsworth – did he suicide?
44 Jan/Feb 2009 Causes Won, Lost and Forgotten
43 November 2008 Christmas holiday traditions in the Civil War North and South, Lincoln as Commander-in-Chief
42 August 2008 Varina Davis – The Hilary Clinton of her time? Ambrose Powell Hill, CSA A Letter Home from West Point
41 May/Jun 2008 Robert E Lee quotes, George McClellan’s Achievements
40 March 2008 The Confederacy’s crippling trio, Tribute to mothers, High standards or dumb students? Grant’s image in the South
39 February 2008 Grant’s family in the war, Future of our Round Table
38 November 2007 Einstein Factor
37 September 2007 McClellan book by Edward Bonekemper, Quiz
36 Jul Special 2007 Revised programme, Christmas in July
35 Jul/Aug 2007 Stanton vs Big Business
34 May/Jun 2007 Lincoln’s early life pt. 2, the name “Civil War”
33 Mar/Apr 2007 Lincoln’s early life pt. 1, Doris Goodwin’s “Team of Rivals” review
32 January 2007 R E Lee’s birth bicentenary, No casino licence for Gettysburg, Nat Turner’s slave revolt
31 November 2006 DVD ideas for Christmas presents
30 September 2006 Could the South have won, Boys will be boys, An army marches on its stomach Christmas notice
29 July 2006 Conference papers, Professor “Stonewall” Jackson
28 May 2006 Differing religious views, A just and lasting peace
27 April 2006 Commanding the official surrender, Marvel’s book, Grant program
26 March 2006 Conference news, Confederacy’s crippling trio: Davis, Beauregard & Johnston, Taps
25 January 2006 Note for Feb ’06 meeting venue is to be changed and yet to be advised
24 November 2005 AGM notice, Stonewall Jackson, Next year’s program
23 September 2005 McPherson book: Drawn with a Sword, bullet pregnancy story
22 July 2005 Military Blunders – McCellan fails to act, Gallagher lectures on CD, Selby Foot dies
21 May 2005 Crater Battle military blunder, Mule Brigade charge, Sword of Lincoln book
20 March 2005 The Einstein Factor questions (and answers); The Mud March; Two great books
19 January 2005 Xmas Raffle Winners, Melbourne Conference,/ details of a new lecture series on Robert E Lee, Some quotable quotes on the War. 2005 Program of meetings.
18 November 2004 Notable CW Naval Battle / Preservation News –  Hallowed ground at Chancellorsville saved.
17 September 2004 Articles: Yingling Farm at Gettysburg Changes Hands / Military Intelligence in the Civil War / National Pride.
16 July 2004 Articles: “Little Phil’s” Dark Side / NOT in Defence of the “Lost Cause”.  A new book – “Lee’s Last Retreat – The Flight to Appomattox.
15 May 2004 Articles: In Defence of the Lost Cause / Interactive Hunley Exhibit / Mrs Hancock’s Dinner Party.
14 March 2004 Articles:  Religion During the War (Part 2), Religion After the War, The Effects of Religion on Battles and Battles on Religion, Some CW coincidences.
13 January 2004 Articles: Religion in Antebellum America, Religion During the War (Part 1).
12 November 2003 Articles: Discovery of Gravesites, Who were the Top Ten Generals?  Lecture Series by Gary Gallagher Supplement : Sword of Honour
11 September 2003 Hunley and the continuing trivia question of who commanded the Union forces at official surrender ceremony at Appomattox – McPherson’s response to our inquiry provided.
10 July 2003 A Victory for Political Correctness, An answer from Gary Gallagher to our Trivia Question on command of the Union forces at Appomattox.
9 May 2003 McPherson’s great “word-smithing” and his new CW book, What’s in a Name?,  Posing the question of who commanded the Union forces at the official surrender at Appomattox.
8 March 2003 The High Tide of the Confederacy, The Fort Pillow Controversy
7 January 2003 Washington D.C. (Paul Spencer), A new CW reference from the Library of Congress, 2003 Program of Activities, The American National Anthems, West Point 1802 – 1861
6 November 2002          Articles: Cavalry Action at Gettysburg, Did he (Elon Farnsworth) commit suicide? Supplements: Draft 2003 Program of Meetings Member Survey Notice re 2003 Conference
5 September 2002 Interview with Paul Kensey – The next time I tour the battlefields Supplement: A Civil War Tour Diary (illustrated) Short article: “Boys in Blue Who Weren’t”
4 July 2002 Article: “Two Knights in Shining Armour” (Part 3)  “Go to Your Right”.  Finally, a website for Lee! Rhea’s new book on Cold Harbor. Supplement: Memorial Day 2002 (illustrated)
3 May 2002 Article: “Two Knights in Shining Armour” (Part 2)
2 March 2002 Articles: “Two Knights in Shining Armour”(Part 1), Medal of Honor Winner, Some Interesting Statistics
1 January 2002 Program of Meetings 2002, Some Interesting Civil War web-sites, Barlow-Gordon Incident at the Battle of Gettysburg