Meetings are usually held on a Monday commencing with a buffet-style meal about 6:15 pm. Every meeting includes an opportunity for members to briefly speak about recent interests and observations.
Venue: Chatswood Club, 11 Help Street, Chatswood NSW 2067 – easy access from station. Parking access from rear – McIntosh Street.
Click here for paper | Highlights | |
December 3 2024 | Year end Function | |
Tues, October 8 2024 | Part of Emerge Festival Book now! | |
August 19 2024 | Lee’s Maryland Campaign; Emancipation Proclamation | |
June 18 2024 | 2nd Manassas; General John Pope; Corinth; General Henry Halleck | |
Tues April 16 2024 | General Fremont (by Bob Carr), The Seven Days, A surprise | |
Tues, February 20 2024 |
1862 – The Peninsula Campaign; and Jackson’s Valley Campaign | |
Weds December 6 2023 | Year-end function – booking required | |
Tues October 17 2023 | 1862 – happenings in both the East and the West. Fort Pulaski, New Orleans and The Peninsular Campaign (near Richmond) | |
Tues August 22 2023 | 1862 – Western Theatre continued & Battle of Shiloh; CW Art works; and New Orleans | |
June 19 2023 | 1862 – Gen. George McClelland; Fort Henry and Fort Donelson; USS Monitor and CSS Virginia | |
April 17 2023 | 1861 – Battle of Ball’s Bluff, Anaconda Plan, and Trent Affair | |
February 20 2023 | 1861 – Opening stages of the War | |
November 28 2022 | Year-end function | |
October 10 2022 | Siege of Petersburg | |
August 8 2022 | Secession – Was it Illegal or Legal? | |
June 6 2022 | Bob Carr: A House Divided – Today’s America | |
April 11 2022 | Honoring Len Traynor – in conversation with Dr Gordon Jones | |
February 28 2022 | An evening with Dr Gordon Jones, Senior Military Historian and Curator at Atlanta History Center, Georgia | |
February 21 2022 | Mexico before and after the Civil War (Zoom meeting) | |
November 29 2021 | Christmas function | |
October 11 2021 | Little Known Aspects of Soldier Life in the Civil War (Zoom meeting) | |
August 9 2021 | The Enlightenment and the Civil War (Zoom meeting) | |
June 7 2021 |
Bleeding Kansas as Fake News |
April 12 2021 |
Civil War submariners – valor or suicide |
February 15 2021 | Military impressment and the exploitation of boys and youths | |
November 23 2020 | Christmas function – live! | |
September 21 2020 | Women in the Civil War (Zoom meeting) | |
August 3 2020 | War gaming Chickamauga (Zoom meeting) | |
June 1 2020 | Epidemics (Infectious Disease) in the Civil War (Zoom meeting) | |
February 17 2020 | The Iron Brigade | |
November 25 2019 | Christmas function | |
September 16 2019 | Anaesthetics in the Civil War | |
July 22 2019 | Atlanta to the Sea and a few interesting sidelines – Tour June 2019 | |
June 3 2019 | Coastal Operations | |
April 8 2019 | The Cavalry | |
February 18 2019 | Diplomacy during the Civil War | |
November 26 2018 | Christmas function – with talk from our Hon Life Member Len Traynor | |
October 8 2018 | Roadtest: 1) First English settlers, and 2) Thomas Jefferson | |
August 6 2018 | Lawyers at War (continued) | |
June 4 2018 | Kennesaw Mountain (part of Sherman’s Atlanta Campaign) | |
April 16 2018 | Prisoners of War | |
February 19 2018 | The astonishing purpose-built River Ironclads | |
December 4 2017 | Christmas Function – Guest speaker: Frances Clark | |
October 9 2017 | Lawyers at War: Lincoln, Taney and the Supreme Court | |
August 14 2017 | Snapshots from Western Theater Tour | |
June 13 2017 | Visit of USS Kearsarge to Sydney in 1869 with Dr R M “Mick” Bedard | |
May 1 2017 | Bob Carr: How My Interest in the Civil War Began – click on Facebook Event to indicate “Going” | |
February 13 2017 | The Western Theater of the Civil War | |
November 28 2016 | Christmas function | |
September 12 2016 | Music in the Civil War | |
July 4 2016 | Snapshots from Eastern Theater Tour | |
May 2 2016 | 1961 Perspective – Causes of the Civil War | |
March 7 2016 | Lessons not learned from the Civil War | |
November 30 2015 | Christmas function – “Some Christmas Traditions during American Civil War“ | |
September 14 2015 | The Election of 1860 – the most momentous presidential election in United States History | |
July 20 2015 | Appomattox – In their own words | |
May 11 2015 | Abraham Lincoln – The Consummate Politician | |
March 16 2015 | What is Abraham Lincoln’s contribution to America? Discussion leader: Bruce Dennett | |
December 1 2014 | Christmas function | |
October 13 2014 | Civil War Naval Operations … with special guest speaker Wayne Rowe, recently retired Head of Reference Services at the US Naval War College, former Professor of the Civil War elective, and Past-President and current member of the Rhode Island CWRT | |
September 8 2014 | Tennessee Civil War battlefield parks/sites | |
June 2 2014 | Fredericksburg – the town’s place in history AND Gaming the Civil War – wargamming Picket-type Charge demonstartion | |
March 10 2014 | The Sinews of War – Funding and Supplies | |
December 6 2013 | Christmas function (6pm for 7pm) | |
October 28 2013 | Civil War Medicine – They did their Best … with special guest speaker R M “Mick” Bedard, MD (Link) | |
September 9 2013 | “Waltzing Dixie” – Thomas Meagher and John Mitchel in Ireland, Australia & America – “Waltzing Dixie” by Paula Astridge | |
July 15 2013 | After Gettysburg and How the war was remembered | |
May 20 2013 | The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Canby, Sibley and New Mexico | |
March 18 2013 | Special guest speaker Ed Bearrs – click here to go to his Wikipedia profile | |
November 30 2012 | Christmas function (6.30 start) | |
September 24 2012 | The Northern Homefront – Economy and Republican legislation – Discussion leader: Bruce Dennett | |
July 23 2012 | Special guest speaker Daniel W. Stowell (Director, The Papers of Abraham Lincoln, | |
May 21 2012 | The Northern Homefront – Politics | |
March 19 2012 | Show and Tell – members presentations | |
December 5 2011 | Christmas function – Roseville club | |
October 31 2011 | A social history of antebellum North Carolina | |
August 15 2011 | Military Intelligence in the Civil War – link to (now Senator) Bob Carr blog about this meeting | |
May 16 2011 | The Letters of Robert E Lee | |
March 7 2011 | Fort Pillow explored – panel | |
January 30 2011 | CSS Shenandoah with Sam Craghead – 2.30 at National Maritime Museum, Darling Harbour | |
December 10 2010 | Christmas party and Annual General Meeting – Roseville, 6.30pm | |
October 25 2010 | In Defence of George McClellan | |
August 28 2010 | Garage Sale of Civil War books & magazines | |
August 23 2010 | Defenders in the Hornets’ Nest | |
May 17 2010 | Forget the North – the South, Helped along by Hollywod, Won the Civil War! | |
February 22 2010 | Guest speaker Len Traynor: The evolution of service and gallantry medals from Civil War times | |
November 20 2009 | Annual General Meeting – 7.00pm Roseville Memorial Club | |
September 28 2009 | The Historical Pedant’s Guide to the Movie “Gettysburg” and “Taps” – The Story behind the Bugle Call | |
July 6 2009 | A Confederate View of Abraham Lincoln | |
May 4 2009 | The Ballard of Blind Tom | |
February 9 2009 | Lincoln as Commander-in-Chief | |
October 20 2008 | The tragedy of the crater | |
September 29 2008 | Liverpool, UK and the American Civil War – Guest Speaker: Jerry Williams, UK | |
August 18 2008 | The Haunting Mystery of A P Hill | |
June 23 2008 | Would the real Gen. McClelland stand up? and George McClelland failed battlefield commander or worse? | |
April 7 2008 | From Scavenger to Curator – Jack Melton, Jnr, member of Atlanta ACWRT | |
February 25 2008 | Who was the Civil War’s Premier Cavalry Commander? | |
November 30 2007 | Christmas Function and AGM | |
November 12 2007 | Will the Real Abe Lincoln Stand Up? and Lincoln – The Devil Incarnate – A Southern Perspective | |
September 10 2007 | Lincoln – Lessons on Leadership, and, The Gettysburg Address | |
July 9 2007 | Lincoln – The Man and the Myth | |
June 18 2007 | Lincoln – The Great Emancipator | |
May 14 2007 | A Surprise Nomination: Lincoln’s Path to the Presidency | |
April 16 2007 | Trivia Quiz Night | |
March 12 2007 | Spotsylvania Courthouse – The clash of Grant and Lee at the Crossroads | |
February 12 2007 | The Forgotten Hero: Major General George Thomas – The Rock of Chickamauga | |
November 24 2006 | Special Christmas Function | |
October 25 2006 | The Civil War – Whose side was God on? | |
August 23 2006 | John Singleton Mosby – The Grey Ghost | |
June 28 2006 | One Promotion Too Many: A P Hill and One of the Best Younger Officers: Edward Porter Alexander | |
April 8 2006 | Conference – Appomatox and Beyond | |
February 22 2006 | “Taps” – The fascinating story behind the bugle call | |
December 5 2005 | Demobilisation after America’s Civil War | |
November 25 2005 | End of year / Christmas function | |
October 10 2005 | Homeward Bound – The Demobilisation of the Armies | |
August 8 2005 | Sex in the Civil War – a medical perspective | |
June 6 2005 | They each left their unique mark on Civil War history – Judson Kilpatrick, Earl van Dorn, and George Pickett! | |
May 29 2005 | Memorial Day Commemoration Service, Waverley Cemetery 1:00 pm | |
April 11 2005 | The Gaint Civil War Quiz with Len Traynor as Quizmaster | |
February 7 2005 | John Quarstein from Virginia War Museum: The Penninsular Campaign 1862 | |
January 19 2005 | Special meeting – an Evening with Roger and Elaine Dixon | |
December 2004 | Neither an exact science nor an oxymoron – Military intelligence during America’s Civil War | |
October 2004 | Joseph E Johnson’s generalship during the Atlanta campaign | |
August 2004 | A conviction set to action – Motivation and methods behind the underground railway | |
June 2004 | Forum – What caused the War – Southern and Northern perspectives | |
April 2004 | George Armstrong Custer – American hero or just a fool? | |
February 2004 | General Officers of the Union and Confederate armies | |
December 2003 | Whose side was God on? | |
October 2003 | Medical services at the time of America’s Civil War | |
August 2003 | Patrick R Cleburne “Stonewall Jackson of the West” His Civil War | |
June 2003 | Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain – more than just the hero of Little Round Top | |
April 2003 | Murder at Fort Pillow – A Confederate and Federal perspective | |
February 2003 | What were the women doing when the men were fighting? | |
October 2002 | West Point classmates – Civil War enemies | |
August 2002 | Civil War veterans in Australia | |
June 2002 | Prelude to the War | |
April 2002 | Lessons in leadership – General John B Hood CSA | |
February 2002 | Grant – The uncaring drunken butcher? | |
March 2001 | Fort Donelson – Just who is running the show? | |
February 2001 | James Longstreet – Lee’s tarnished or untarnished Lieutenant? | |